Thursday, December 29, 2011


Witnessing the excrescence of what you adore is a trying bestowal. Watching as the blood slowly cascades down your arm, knowing full well that it will soon reach that hand, the fingers, and drip, drip upon the floor, drip upon the lifeless soul from which it came. Your thoughts have grown into somewhat regrettable actions. It can leave a bad taste in your mouth, like drinking 6 bourbons then running 10kms. Metal the fuck up and go listen to Vulgar Display of Power.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


How would you react if you saw a man with no eyes walking into a bottomless pit surrounded by laughing miniature trees with malicious toothless faces. Would you first react to the image painted in your direct field of view, would you try understand the predicament that lends itself to such an effigy, would you question the absurdity? I suppose you never fully understand anything. 

There's nothing more beautiful than originality of the human mind when spawned from within,  truly internal manifestation. Conversely, nothing will drag you deeper into the morose depths than finding out that the idea was planted by another. An evil bud sown within, can grow, take over and leave you crippled by it's branches like a derelict barn on the prairie.

Avoiding such pitfalls is an easy game for the strong. You simply must question everything, especially your own mind.  Like a finely tuned of an imported sports car will turn to scrap metal if it isn't serviced, like a dog will become diseased and vengeful once abandoned, like you will turn to bloated filth if you eat only from the freezer, keep it in check wide-eyed youth.

Friday, November 4, 2011

the terrace

I see the sheep walk in a disjointed but flawless unison. Oblivious to the binary outcome facing them, to be shawn or to be slain. How do they not see what is to become of them. Caffeinated beverages of Italian name in cardboard cups keep them high enough in a legally and socially acceptable manner, high enough to forgot how much they hate themselves. Look to the sky, the rain is falling, instead of cleansing this crowded wasteland it just adds solute to the cesspool, mixing all the blank stares into one.  Or am I far too naive, is this everyones fate regardless of geographical location. Fuck that.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Is there luminescence to be found at the conclusion of this linear passageway?
A man I knew once spoke of the road we all think we must travel, he said, if you believe is to be a road you will find an ending. However, if you accept that there is no road, your destination will be nothing and everything......

On occasion, such nonsense relapses into some majestic parable. I think the more troublesome part is not deciphering the words but rather understanding the reasons why we interpret things in such a way. I don't  talk of finding contentment in simplicity or trying to revert to some primal manner of existence.

I know you think about rhythms of the sea, of the ocean. Can you see the rhythm of humanity? Where are we now, are a verse, chorus or bridge? Was the renaissance a solo on an ibanez? Was world war 2 a drum crescendo? Are we a bass line fill as it often seems, something deliberately dull to make the next scene more powerful? Or are we the fade-out? all instruments and vocals reducing in volume to silnce.

Do I try convince myself that I talk in riddles to add color to an otherwise morosely monotone world?
The quest for comprehension of my drivel merely acts a proxy for you to ascend higher into the unending skies of what?, maybe knowledge, maybe detachment. It doesn't matter, as long as it keeps you occupied,

Monday, October 24, 2011


A bright clear 35 degree day, Waves crashing at moderate swell of one metre. Aesthetically flawless girls on the beach periodically gazing out to sea, they see me here, gently bobbing to the waves, Duck dive another wave with ease, pop back up for a breath and see the faces on the beach, looking slightly more distant this time. As if I'm suddenly a hundred yards further away, how odd, turn and duck under another wave... except this time fail to surface as intended. I gasp with unprecedented force, taking in a colossal mouthful from the infinite supply of sea water. Unable control my legs, can't orientate myself, a sense of weightlessness and detachment overwhelms me in this enthralling circumstance afflicting my person.

Finally surface after my longest ever duration binding my breath, I see the faces on the beach again, they appear closer than before. All of them now fixated on my vicinity, arising with haste and approaching the waters edge. However, its the blue eyes of a blonde haired elegance seize all my assiduity, fixated with far greater authority than those stares from the adjacent forms, their alacrity becomes obscure in the periphery of such beauty. I see only her, surrounded ominously by an encroaching scarlet hue. A hue which now covers her face, her beautiful eyes, as does the water... I fare thee well, kind maid, You make it all worthwhile.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Summer heat

The first strong winds of a mindset know as summer may be upon us. That simple yet powerful sensation of  the body feeling instantly calescent may have come again. That's what we want, what we believe will be an all enduring catharsis. Will we first feel overwhelmed by the heat, initially trying to reject its anomalous power. Grow to accept it and allow the dreams to materialise. Remember, you can experience it better than you ever read or imagined it, simply by reminding yourself, only what you see in front of you is real, everything else purely noise, interpretative disquisition of those you hope share reciprocal delusions.

The fading of the light is a perpetual occurrence that can render ones attitude to run in parallel to the fading. The converse being so grand and regal, that it makes everything justifiable.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

12 Stitches

Irreversibly debilitated by the redundancy in modern devolution. Is it all that all elucidation is so moronically clichéd that it has emerged as purely the folly of the sadist. Redemption is never a forlorn hope. The arduous inquest of whether we should help the chumps or mock them is disorientating, like waking up on a bathroom floor, the walls plastered in your blood. Triumph is readily achieved, its only a function of your own perception.


Last night I met an interesting character, a story of tragic beauty, her fateful story seemed so prevalent and derivative, developing into some sordid social commentary. So naive, so worried and so stupid. Talking with alcohol induced confidence to a curious soul, of her ex partner whom she portrayed clear and well justified animosity, yet spoke of love. Fragments of dissuasion were exchanged, all the while she sustained dialogue with her ex-partner via the mobile phone, at a rate upwards of 5 messages a minute, interspersed with scant phone calls throughout the night.

She poured more vodka and sugar drink into her near perfect 20 year old frame, rare brand cigarette in mouth as she reached for the incendiary device with child like hands. Oblivious to the affection of the male company in the room. Arising on occasion to dance to contemporary hip hop with her female companions, dancing did not hinder her frenzied text message exchanges. As the night wore on she expressed concern of fatigue, which she swiftly dispatched with the deliverance of dexamphetamine retrieved from a ball of tinfoil in her oversized designer handbag. She talked of courtship, loyalty and the inability of controlling your own emotions, delivered with the diction of a high school student, lack of vocabulary substituted with obscenity, lack of logic substituted with a fitted leopard skin dress. The best friends repeatedly told her to escape her perpetual dependency on the failed relationship, to which she agreed with the conviction of a disinterested Siamese cat. As cessation of the evening set in, dancing, lustful advances and dialogue decreased. When she finally abdicated the location, it was in the ex's car. Her phone can now rest.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Another grandmother aged 80+ beaten to death in her own home, perpetrator young male, released on bail. Young mother drowns her baby because it wouldn't stop crying. Such stories, reported daily on every news source. The talkback channels lighting up, capturing considerable space in the "letters to the editor" of the daily paper.

All the people in your circle will be raving about the latest one tomorrow. Speaking masochistically of the abhorrent despondent details, longing in the nostalgic hope of a return to some "pure" justice they believe existed in the past. They stand there, they talk. They just stand there. Has it become that discussing such matters, is akin to talking about the weather? something we do when there is nothing to say, something that qualifies as small talk. They just continue to watch the record spin and spin, describing to each other how the needle is broken and the music won't play properly, they never even consider smashing the whole record player against the wall.

When the government fails to represent the publics interest. It is the peoples duty to tear the defective components from the system as you would tear weeds from a garden. This doesn't mean marching down the streets with banners and face paint like some dressed up cattle for an agricultural show. It means stop blaming, waiting, bitching about the problems around us, and go fix them yourself.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Awoken by the sounds of the pretty people talking at high volume, their volume and projection do a near perfect job of covering the lack of substance. Show a smile with the utmost neutrality, nod politely and remember that its wise to listen to them talk, just don't believe a word. Like a melodic guitar solo enhances the significance of lyrics, you can detect identical processes taking place, stratocasters substituted by the physical attractiveness and confident body language of the pretty ones. Take your eyes off the rack, off the short skirt, off the Katy Perry hair style and everything you hear becomes rather hollow. 

Being a big talker doesn't help, strong hits watered down by the weak ones, its a game of averages. Project an image of comfort, success and pleasure if you long for it to get heaped upon you. Its not about communicating with others, its all about what you want to do.

Don't feel bad to speak softly or not at all, you can have as much or as little control as you wish

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Don't Watch the News

All entities have an agenda, everyone you meet, everything you watch, has residing within itself a purpose, a goal, not always known or understood by the orator. The aptly named "news" you read, watch or stream, most certainly has one, what is it? Like most things you will ponder in your existence, with thoughts fluttering around your head like ash in the wind, as you waste time trying to attain comprehension. The answer ends up being simple, concise and so vexatiously conspicuous.

Contemporary news sources are not hard to be apprised of that which is omnipresent; fear, destruction, disunity, suffering et cetera. Inhaled via the eyes, coughed out in tears. It hurts, the mind is debased, it no longer functions in such a state of fear and confusion. The mind's only desire it to alleviated of the condition, its ripe for a raping!

Cue the manipulation machine, commence roll out of the elixir, the weakened mind will accept the irrational answers. Install more cameras in our homes, intercept all correspondence, increase security in lieu of freedom. That is the formula, simpler than a 1st grade mathematical query. Scare the fools and they will obey your every command. Rinse and repeat, and watch men morph into mud.

Its time to cease watching others for information, and to start recapturing your own!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I sit outside in the falling temperature, alone of an evening. pondering my next mission, whether to dine upon Kentucky Fried Chicken or Hungry Jacks in the morrow. One opens at 10am, one at 5. This is my primary thoughts. Nothing else to think about, I don't want to think, It is always false, am I winning....... or losing......, it doesn't matter.. KFC!! Outstanding, I blocked the thought again.

Everything is a metaphor, In the literal sense I'm not outside, in the cold or alone, I'm in the food hall of the shopping centre, but these feelings are more vivid than when I last sat outside, cold and alone. Engage distraction! buy the spicy chicken, thank the kid serving me, oblivious to his to own destitute. secondary distraction, Skill!! Take a seat in the arena of four seat tables with only one occupant. They stare into their phones, newspapers or passing youth. So tragic, so alone, I pity them, as I sit, alone, on a four seat table, pull out my phone and write this..........

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Desist in your procrastination of the insignificant desires. There is no justifiable reasoning for the delay. Many are blinded by the overwhelming light of reality, digging irreversibly into your mind, remnant of third degree burns on a child. They are the dumb, mostly entranced by the myths of others, thereupon floundering their ultimate inadvertent prospects. Don't become like them, because every aspect of your reality, is your own, and you can control it!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Multifun Joy Joys

I feel really good tonight, I should try write something happy or joyful. My scripts always come across as dark and evil, but they don't reflect me. I'd like to think I'm not a cynical asshole, I just try see things from a different perspective....... that sounds clichéd, dammit.

Woody Harrelson in Zombieland said "Enjoy the Little things", made rule number 32 by Jesse Eisenberg. Its a pretty good guide to live by. Think back on the greatest moments in your existence, what do you remember that made it so good? For me its always some small detail that was sometimes no even directly related to the whole pretence of situation. The opening riff of "She", the first taste of Dr Pepper from one of those small cans, the peaceful beauty of girl sleeping next to you. That is what I recall.

The difficulty scale for writing joyous stuff is much harder than dark content. Could it be because I have less experience in doing so, or maybe it just is a more difficult subject for everyone. I hope its not a reflection on me.

Extended exposure to the blinding darkness that is cynicism and self pitty have rotted us to the core, look so hard for purity and originality you will find it, but its not real. Its one's own form of warping reality in a feeble attempt to satisfy the desire. Dream nostalgically of the euphoria witnessed when the Beatles first came to Australia, when Led Zeppelin released Kashmir, when you could eat Burgers, fries and thick shakes without the peer implied guilt of it somehow making you unattractive and irresponsible. Is this what leads so many to tune into commercial radio, go see the movies that are mere remakes, sequels, prequels and fucking musicals by pathetic phonies who ruin good rock songs. What can break this horrifying self destructive behavioural trend in the west, can anything? Fuck them all, subjugate and mock their inferiority, use it to make yourself powerful.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday Morning

Time is of the essence as my departure to mandurah is imminent.

Sunday morning, no hangover, no sickness, no pain to impede the mind. The horror of one's own clarity in such situations is more haunting and gut wrenching than anything induced by solutes that have a high proportion of compounds ending in -OH. Grasp at another chance of life hollow soul, flail your arms in the dark, the only thing you can reach is liquid, or solid only until you crush it smoke or snort it. Run coward run! you might as well try, nothing else works for you.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Just had 2 thoughts, Hopefully I can tell a good story cos I have good content for once,

I was wondering what it means to be a member of the "Elite", I want to learn more. You must be selfless to be elite i.e.  you work not for your comfort or enjoyment, but for the good of humanity. Instead of selling shit, being lazy or fighting your fellow man, you complete tasks that will add to science, to society, etc. Die knowing you have made the world better than what it was when you arrive. Or, are they elite because they use this to trick you into being slaves......

My other thought is about why we can never achieve 100% happiness, we always have problems, the simplest explanation is that "The sweet only exists because of the sour". Nah, I reckon it because we loose sight of the greater situation. A God is superior because he knows all, is not then the way to become godly is to learn everything. Then we'd be elite right? It is so crazy that the smartest people in the world are the ones that have more and more knowledge, its so easy to backup, if someone say, IF YOUR SO SMART HOW COME I MAKE MORE MONEY THAT YOU, you get hell defeat them with, "The extent of ones happiness is worlds apart from the binary interpretation that your simple mind has formulated. A Possibility of money possessing such a bearing on the condition of one's mind, is unfathomable, illogical and is a testament to the inferiority of your own reality". Easy

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New Blogger theme

Cool Blogger got a sick new design, matches the whole google+ and gmail theme, skill. Anyway back to writing dark shit cos its more challenging and interesting.

Formidable stance while failing to cease the glare of the terrain
Strengthen your image, its all you can ever do. For the fate of your existence matters little of what you contribute or what you achieve within your realm of understanding. Why can't knowledge be a straight road, freshly tarmacked, the spell of freshly cooked bitumen lingering in the nearby air, inviting ones use. But instead it more resembles the gizzards of a sea creature that has been left to cook in the tropical sun for a matter of days and then dumped in a food processor with your own blood.

Do the mightier we become, the less we can bare to take heed from the horror around us? Of course it easier to stare into the void, its the unknown, it could be safer

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Morning I arise, hungover once.
I had a mean fire last eve, burn through the wood pretty quickly.

Dog wound is getting better pretty quickly. She has been pretty good it, hasn't licked or chewed it too much. Words aren't coming easy today. I'll do the oldest trick in the book. I'll describe and uninteresting and boring anecdote, with extravagant words and phrasing.

The impending doom and apocalypse of the world comes forthwith, I don't see the Hollywood version with talisman buildings of New York and Tokyo bursting into flames and tumbling like some box of matches in a microwave oven. People looking up in fear, pointing as the tip of the Chrysler building bows, breaks and falls down upon a brand new car make of which is not of concern. The effect supposed to increase the symbolism of the whole event. Don't forgot the small child just getting out of the way, how original.

I instead see it happening without anyone even noticing it. Their eyes blinded by the desire to shield the more animal instincts. No explosions, not cars getting crushed, in my version we are morphing into something that is no longer humanity. Maybe this has already happened, maybe we've lost, maybe our subconscious knows it to be true. Is that why people concern themselves with the environment, caring for the animals that we must kill to survive. Recycling, paying twice as much for battery powered cars, eating organic lettuce? Is this how it ends. Our last gasp at redemption as we can no longer hold our breath a thousand feet below the surface.

The reasons for the gratifications found within such ideas, lend themselves to a form of escapism. Escape from your own mind. A dream that is definitely possible, you do it all the time.

Because I've got a headache
Latest post, in the dark, hard to type,
why is it so hard to organize a party, am I that forever alone, FML
that took 5mins to type

Friday, August 5, 2011

My New Chromebook

Damn I haven't used Blogger for a while,
Well getting a Samsung Series 5 Chromebook has inspired me to write something again.
There is assloads of reviews around for these things so I aint gonna review it.
I really using this to try out the keyboard for some serious typing. Its slightly smaller than your average keyboard but its still easy as shit to use.

I wonder when these Chromebooks will become available in Australia, I reckon they will sell pretty well if google put any effort into advertising and keeps them below $500. Which is very possible. They are a much trendier device than ur average $500 netbook, but of course it runs only chrome. Most people wont be able to handle that. You could never survive with just a chromebook. You need a proper PC for certain things. I recommend a gaming PC and a chromebook works just fine. These things are much more practical than either and android tablet or ipad. By the way fuck u Apple and MSFT for all this patent shit.

I know in reality the truth is way over my head and I dont really know whats going on, but it all feels very anti-competitive. I hope the Galaxy Tab 10.1 does get released and gets to compete in the free market.

Enough of that I cant be bothered writing in detail about patent stuff. Why write if it hard and you arent getting paid to do so.

My Stereo is giving me the shits lately, the left channel seems to be failing, I need to isolate the problem and vanquish it, Speaking of Vanquishing things, bring on Skyrim!!! fin