Sunday, August 7, 2011


Morning I arise, hungover once.
I had a mean fire last eve, burn through the wood pretty quickly.

Dog wound is getting better pretty quickly. She has been pretty good it, hasn't licked or chewed it too much. Words aren't coming easy today. I'll do the oldest trick in the book. I'll describe and uninteresting and boring anecdote, with extravagant words and phrasing.

The impending doom and apocalypse of the world comes forthwith, I don't see the Hollywood version with talisman buildings of New York and Tokyo bursting into flames and tumbling like some box of matches in a microwave oven. People looking up in fear, pointing as the tip of the Chrysler building bows, breaks and falls down upon a brand new car make of which is not of concern. The effect supposed to increase the symbolism of the whole event. Don't forgot the small child just getting out of the way, how original.

I instead see it happening without anyone even noticing it. Their eyes blinded by the desire to shield the more animal instincts. No explosions, not cars getting crushed, in my version we are morphing into something that is no longer humanity. Maybe this has already happened, maybe we've lost, maybe our subconscious knows it to be true. Is that why people concern themselves with the environment, caring for the animals that we must kill to survive. Recycling, paying twice as much for battery powered cars, eating organic lettuce? Is this how it ends. Our last gasp at redemption as we can no longer hold our breath a thousand feet below the surface.

The reasons for the gratifications found within such ideas, lend themselves to a form of escapism. Escape from your own mind. A dream that is definitely possible, you do it all the time.

Because I've got a headache

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