Thursday, December 29, 2011


Witnessing the excrescence of what you adore is a trying bestowal. Watching as the blood slowly cascades down your arm, knowing full well that it will soon reach that hand, the fingers, and drip, drip upon the floor, drip upon the lifeless soul from which it came. Your thoughts have grown into somewhat regrettable actions. It can leave a bad taste in your mouth, like drinking 6 bourbons then running 10kms. Metal the fuck up and go listen to Vulgar Display of Power.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


How would you react if you saw a man with no eyes walking into a bottomless pit surrounded by laughing miniature trees with malicious toothless faces. Would you first react to the image painted in your direct field of view, would you try understand the predicament that lends itself to such an effigy, would you question the absurdity? I suppose you never fully understand anything. 

There's nothing more beautiful than originality of the human mind when spawned from within,  truly internal manifestation. Conversely, nothing will drag you deeper into the morose depths than finding out that the idea was planted by another. An evil bud sown within, can grow, take over and leave you crippled by it's branches like a derelict barn on the prairie.

Avoiding such pitfalls is an easy game for the strong. You simply must question everything, especially your own mind.  Like a finely tuned of an imported sports car will turn to scrap metal if it isn't serviced, like a dog will become diseased and vengeful once abandoned, like you will turn to bloated filth if you eat only from the freezer, keep it in check wide-eyed youth.