Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Another grandmother aged 80+ beaten to death in her own home, perpetrator young male, released on bail. Young mother drowns her baby because it wouldn't stop crying. Such stories, reported daily on every news source. The talkback channels lighting up, capturing considerable space in the "letters to the editor" of the daily paper.

All the people in your circle will be raving about the latest one tomorrow. Speaking masochistically of the abhorrent despondent details, longing in the nostalgic hope of a return to some "pure" justice they believe existed in the past. They stand there, they talk. They just stand there. Has it become that discussing such matters, is akin to talking about the weather? something we do when there is nothing to say, something that qualifies as small talk. They just continue to watch the record spin and spin, describing to each other how the needle is broken and the music won't play properly, they never even consider smashing the whole record player against the wall.

When the government fails to represent the publics interest. It is the peoples duty to tear the defective components from the system as you would tear weeds from a garden. This doesn't mean marching down the streets with banners and face paint like some dressed up cattle for an agricultural show. It means stop blaming, waiting, bitching about the problems around us, and go fix them yourself.

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